Welcome to Sylvan Township
Reminder: All garbage containers need to be placed off of the road - they can be place in the road right-of-way in your driveways or next to it. Just not in the roadway.
- Sylvan Township handles all Commercial/Business Permitting and Driveway Permits
- Environmental Services Department at Cass County can be reached by phone at 218-547-7241 or you can go online to Environmental Services for any questions on residential permitting (except for driveway permits).
Gateway to Pillsbury State Forest
Sylvan Township was organized on April 2, 1912. The Township was named after Sylvan Lake, known for its beautiful evergreen woods. This community of roughly 2900 residents is located in the southern portion of Cass County, west of the City of Baxter and surrounds the City of Pillager. The Township is defined by its many lakes, rivers, agricultural, and wooded areas. Sylvan Township has the largest Native American burial mound groupings in the Mississippi Headwaters and one of the largest within the state of Minnesota.
Affidavits of Candidacy:
Seat 1 - Greg Booth Cert. of Filing
Seat 2 - Robert Johnson Cert. of Filing
Seat 4 - Greg Bennett Cert. of Filing
- Troy Hradsky Cert. of Filing