Get in Touch With Us

Hours & Contacts

Sylvan Township is typically staffed between the hours of 8:00am - 2:30pm Monday through Friday.  These hours are not guaranteed, as sometimes staff may have holiday time, may have training, may need to leave to go to the bank or post office or may need personal time.  If you are heading to the Town Hall for assistance from the Clerks, you are welcome to call ahead or schedule a time - but it is not mandatory to do so.  If you would like to come in during hours other than those above, please schedule a time with one of the Clerks; they would be happy to accommodate and assist you on your available time. 

If you would like to leave us a message and have us reach back out to you, please use the “Email Us” form below or review the following contact information below.  You may also leave a voice message on the Town Hall’s phone after hours, (218) 746-3652[email protected] email address is watched by both the Clerk and Deputy Clerk.

*Note: Our voicemail system does Not have call-waiting.  If we are helping another resident on the phone during business hours your call will go directly to voicemail, please feel free to try us again or leave a message.

The Board Supervisor's phone numbers are listed on their page under each Supervisor. 

If you have an emergency, please contact 9-1-1.  

Clerk/Treasurer: Jenna Ruggles  
Email: [email protected] 

Works full-time at the Town Hall - if you need to stop into the Town Hall outside of business hours, please reach out to Clerk Ruggles for accommodations.  All township business and Town Board related items.

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer: Colleen Putnam  
Email: [email protected]

Works part-time at the Town Hall and her email is not monitored when she is out.  She is the primary Clerk for Planning Commission, business permitting, and Sylvan Park items.

Sylvan Township’s Short-Term Rental Authority consists of all Sylvan Township Board Members. Please reach out to any of them with Short-Term Rental complaints, call the Town Hall and talk to a Clerk, or contact Cass County Sheriff’s Office at (218) 547-1424.